You just spent a lot of money to look fabulous for your workout but now your favorite activewear is showing signs of wear and tear already!  Pilling, those pesky little knots that form on fabric, can be a real nuisance. But fear not! We're here to equip you with the knowledge you need to keep your activewear looking as good as new for longer.

Understanding Fabric Durability

The abrasion and pilling resistance of your activewear fabric are crucial factors in determining its longevity. Fabrics with high abrasion and pilling resistance not only withstand everyday wear and tear but also boast excellent strength, wear resistance, and elasticity.  However, abrasion is more likely to occur if constantly rubbing against a rough surface or material such as bags.  Investing in activewear made from durable fabrics ensures that your favorite pieces stand the test of time.

Different Fibers, Different Results

The type of fibers used in your activewear fabric plays a significant role in its pilling propensity. While silk is known for its resistance to pilling, other fibers like wool, cotton, polyester, and synthetics are more prone to developing pills. Knitted fabrics, in particular, tend to pill more than woven fabrics due to their looser threads. Opting for tightly knit fabrics can help minimize pilling.

Tackling Pilling Head-On

So, what causes those frustrating pills to appear on your clothes? Pills form when groups of short or broken fibers become tangled together in tiny knots due to friction and rubbing. They're commonly found in high-abrasion areas like under the arms of clothes or between the thighs and on the rear of pants. While it's difficult to predict which fabrics will pill, there are steps you can take to prevent and remove pills effectively.

Preventing Pills

  1. Use the washer's gentle cycle or hand wash to protect your clothes during laundering.
  2. Turn garments inside out before washing to minimize abrasion to the fabric surface.
  3. Sort laundry properly to avoid washing delicate items with rough fabrics like jeans.
  4. Choose a laundry detergent containing the enzyme cellulase to break down cotton pills effectively.
  5. Avoid overloading the washer tub, which can cause damage to the fabric surface.

Removing Pills

  1. Invest in a fabric shaver for the most effective removal of pills from the garment surface.
  2. Use scissors or a safety razor to carefully cut off pills, or pull the fabric taut over a curved surface and shave the fabric surface.
  3. Consider using a lint roller or sticky tape for quick and easy pill removal.

By understanding the factors contributing to pilling and taking proactive steps to prevent and remove pills, you can extend the life of your activewear and keep it looking fresh and new. Say goodbye to pilling woes and hello to long-lasting activewear that's ready to tackle any workout with you!